Monday, June 16, 2008

Did Someone Say Party?

...That is the name of the little bridal store in downtown Boone, NC. It is a store that my friends and I made fun of for four years while we were in college. It is also the store that I bought my wedding dress and veil from, and the store I am forever in love with. The people that work there are nothing short of wonderful. So helpful and honest! Love them!
This weekend, Justin and I joined his parents in Boone at their cabin for a relaxing weekend. We got their late Friday night, and woke up early on Saturday to go to breakfast at our ALL-TIME FAVORITE RESTAURANT............. Melanie's Food Fantasy! SO GOOD!

After we finished the food fantasy, we walked up and down King St., and realized that Boone is really in a bad situation. So many places are going out of business, or already closed. Boone Saloon burned down. Angelica's closed. Moonshine Restaurant closed. Hallmark closed. THE $2 MOVIE THEATER IS CLOSED. I guess all the Floridians (that Boone people despise) aren't "summering" any longer in Boone. Apparently their multimillion dollar homes have foreclosed, and they can't afford to fill their gas-guzzling SUVs. Sadly, the wealthy tourists are what keeps the small town afloat during the summers, when students are gone. After exploring downtown, we drove through ASU's campus to see all the changes in buildings and the new football stadium! It is amazing how much things have changed! We can't wait to come up for all the football games in the fall.

For the rest of the day, there were thunderstorms, which gave all of us the excuse to sleep and be lazy. It was really fun! Sunday morning we went to Dan'l Boone Inn for breakfast, and then packed our bags to come home for Father's Day with my dad.

I officially must get back on the wedding planning train. My goal for the next 2 weeks - get save the dates out, and reserve all the hotel rooms for wedding weekend. Only 173 days left!


leah said...

Goodness that is sad. I didn't know that Boone Saloon burned down! Well atleast we have football making the campus some money!

Stephanie said...

Makes me miss boone!! Hey Barrys company is rebuilding Boone Salon, should be open by the fall sometime!