Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Allow Me to Introduce You...

I'd like for you to meet some new people in my life.

First, there is Hannah Elizabeth, that I've told you about before...what a cutie - all 5 lbs, 15 oz of her :)

And here is my free iron bird themed coat rack thingy.... don't know what I'm going to do with it, but it was free, so I couldn't resist.oops, sorry I didn't rotate this for you...

And lastly, the newest addition to the Almost-Stagner family...isn't she a cutie? Her little sister iTouch iPod is really cute, too.

I am so busy this week with work, teaching, and new choreography. I'll maybe post some videos on here soon :)


TupeloLove said...

Hey Lauren! I found that kitchen island on Craig's List. It was actually called a "potting table", but I decided it was perfect for the kitchen!

Jen - Balancing Beauty and Bedlam said...

LOVE, Love , love the new additions...and feel free to hire my little men out any time. They're good:)