Thursday, August 7, 2008

I'm not posting enough this week.

I hope I'm not starting to slack off.

Justin and I are hopefully going to hire a band to play at our wedding reception. They are called "soul central", and they are fun. Here is their myspace page. Go listen to them and let us know if you think they would be fun to have at our big party :)

I've been working every night this week at the dance studio. For our competitive team, we have 2 weeks of intensive summer classes at the beginning of summer, and 2 weeks at the end of summer. This week started the second half of "summer dance". On top of teaching class each night, I've been working on solos, duets, trios and small group dances AFTER regular class. It's exhausting to everyone involved, but I really like to get choreography set on the dancers as early in the year as possible. I have to brag on one of our kids - Maddie. I started teaching her 8 years ago, when she was 9 years old. This year she'll be a senior in high school, and I have to say, I dread her graduating! I know that she needs to go to college, and I know that soon I'll be buying tickets to watch her dance in a professional company, but I really don't want her to leave. Last night, we started working on 1 of her 2 solos for this year. We were supposed to have a 1.5 hour lesson, but we decided to change the music, so we really only worked for about 25 minutes. She learns so quickly, and can do anything you tell her to do. Plus, she has a weird ability to read my mind... anyways, here's what we accomplished in 25 minutes yesterday. You better keep an eye out for her on SYTYCD.

Last, another survey inspired by Jennifer P. So you type "*your name* needs" in google, and see what comes up. so here's mine...
Lauren Needs...
1. attention
2. someone with her when she is outdoors (AMEN, I'm scared of everything!)
3. to grow up
4. a myspace (have one already - facebook is better)
5. a hotel room ( i DO need one - for my honeymoon!!!!)
6. to get over it already (get over what?)
7. an acoustic drum kit (hahaha - I'd rather have Rock Band for Wii)
8. to chill out and stay out of other people's business (i think alot of these refer to Lauren Conrad from the Hills)
9. to work on her self esteem (isn't that the truth?)
10. water.


Jennifer P. said...

Holy cow! That's one strong girl! Her form is beautiful too! I WILL be looking for her on a future season of SYTYCD! Aren't you sad that's over with tonight? Feels like Wednesday will be soooo boring now :)!

Loved your "needs" thing. People with the same names as celeb.s always have the best ones :)!

Liz Harrell said...

Wow! She really is talented!

The Nester said...

Lauren, are you the one doing the show at Kendra's in November? I must know if it's you and I haven't emailed her back yet....

Jen - Balancing Beauty and Bedlam said...

Just stopping in to say "hi."

Kaylee said...

how are the wedding plans coming along?!

Melissa said...

What a cute idea! I'll have to post mine some time!